Positive Challenges

“Focus on the positives”, isn’t that what people say?

September has been a challenging month this year. It started ok. Back to school was straightforward, and our son M decided he’d loved his summer tennis sessions so wanted to carry those on into proper weekly lessons (Yay! An actual outdoor hobby :-)), and we were making some progress on the house. Things were going well.

And then we got to Thursday. Actually Thursday evening. M had fallen in the school playground, and came home with a few grazes, but didn’t appear to be anything serious. But towards bedtime, he started mentioning his wrist was aching. Something didn’t seem right, so off we went to A&E. Unfortunately it was fairly busy, so we had a bit of a wait but eventually an X-ray confirmed it was a broken wrist.

The nurses and doctors were great. M was given gas and air whilst they made sure it was straight and put a cast on, and he just giggled the whole way through, then declared afterwards “that was FUN!”. Not quite my experience of eight hours in A&E, but from a positive point of view at least he wasn’t upset about it!

A couple of weeks on, M is determined to continue to take part in his tennis lessons (albeit a little more reservedly for now), and hopefully the cast is coming off next week.

Fingers crossed for an uneventful October when we get there!

#positivevibes #family #hospital #homesweethome #wimbledononedayperhaps #wedotennis #lookingforwardtooctober #thankyounhs #lookfortherainbow


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